Diving with Silky and Galapagos Sharks at the Revillagigedo Islands by Turner Forte Photography

Diving with Silky and Galapagos Sharks at the Revillagigedo Islands by Turner Forte Photography

Here’s a selection of both galapagos and silky sharks from our Revillagigedo Islands trip with  Nautilus Explorer.

Free diving at night with silky shark, Revillagigedo Islands

Silky shark attracted to yellow fins (not tuna!), Revillagigedo Island

Galapagos shark under the surf, Revillagigedo Islands

Silky shark portrait, Revillagigedo Islands

White tip reef shark pack on the hunt, Revillagigedo Islands

Silky shark, Revillagigedo Islands

Silky shark side view, Revillagigedo Islands

Galapagos shark comes into view, Revillagigedo Islands

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