Our new adventure-mobile!

Our new adventure-mobile!

We have a new adventure-mobile! It’s a caribe 14 ft. rigged hull inflatable boat that gives us access to water. We’ve taken it out off the shore of Santa Barbara and it’s been a blast. One of the places we can’t wait to visit is Lake Powell, Arizona. We even have racks that will hold our kayaks and we can pile in camping gear and be set for exploring. Here are some photos from the past week:

Leaving the SB Harbor

USS Ronald Reagan

Isla Vista surfing

Sea lions sunbathing

fishing with squid!

big fish wishes!

James hook'n us up!

buoy detail

pelicans & wave crash

The catch of the day

pelican colony

pelican splash

balancing bird

yellow footed bird

Santa Barbara Harbor

James and the SB coastline

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