Bear Glacier inspired many great images and another one is in the 2018 Lonely Planet’s new Best in Travel book.

Our friends Chris and Pam on Stan Up Paddle Boards (SUP’s) exploring an iceberg canyon on Bear Lake in the Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska. Always nice to start out he new year with a cover shot. License image here: https://turnerforte.photoshelter.com/index/I0000nGYYZw6D1G4

National Geographic online used one of our mages in this article on warming oceans. You can read the article here: https://news.nationalgeographic.com Warming Oceans May Make ‘Nemo’ Harder to Find Visit our ocean life portfolio o see more great underwater images.

National geographic UK used one of Ice SUP images for their online portfolio. Link to gallery

PRESERVING HABITATS THAT ABSORB CARBON This goal measures the extent and condition of the natural coastal ecosystems – seagrasses, tidal marshes and mangroves – that store large amounts of carbon in their roots, stems and leaves and sequester it for decades or centuries in the sediment. When these habitats and sediments are preserved, air cannot […]

The Caribbean is one of the best scuba diving destinations in the world. There is magnificent coral, schools of multicolored fish and contours on the sea floor to explore, from reefs and rocks to walls and wrecks.